Welcome to Bannersnack Support

SVG file requirements

When uploading SVG files to Bannersnack, please make sure that your SVG file follows our guidelines:

  • The file must be saved or exported with an SVG Profile of “SVG 1.0, 1.1 or 1.2.
  • For the best experience, we recommend the default export profile of Adobe Illustrator (SVG 1.1)
  • Use ‘Presentation Attributes’ styling to enable further in-app editing like changing the color of shapes
  • All strokes, paths, and text boxes should be expanded (Select your artwork > Object > Expand).
  • Shapes with the same color will be edited together.
  • Make sure you don’t use more than 12 colors in your SVG in order to maintain all the editing options.
  • We recommend using an SVG with a max width/height of 1000px
  • Remove all unnecessary layers, stray anchor points, and invisible objects.
  • Avoid using textures, images or gradients in your SVG
  • Avoid using compressed SVG or SVGZ files
  • Avoid using ‘Internal CSS’ styling

If you need more information related to this topic, you can check the image posted below for a more in-depth understanding of the options used when saving SVG files.


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