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How can I crop my photos?

Preserving the file size required by marketing platforms, for your finished designs, can sometimes prove to be a real hassle giving that the limit is on a very low level. That being said, if your uploaded element is not fully visible on the canvas, it might not show on the design but it sure takes up the space for being there. For this reason we have integrated our very own crop feature that removes unwanted bits and pieces from your images, reducing file size along with them. So how does it work?

Cropping your photos

You can now easily crop your photos using the Crop button from the Settings toolbar or simply by doing a quick crop.

Just click on the photo and select Crop from the toolbar, then hold and drag any of the photo’s corners to crop the image, then click the Crop save button or hit Enter on your keyboard to save the image.



 To do a quick crop just double-click the photo and adjust the image.

The crop tool works also with Focus mode in the Generator but it's not just a design tool as it's a tremendous help in keeping the design file size as low as possible.




All exported designs will now use the same cropped image and not the original imported image so that's a really helpful touch for those that run online campaign ads on marketing platforms like Google Ads for example.


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