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Using the Design Editor

If you’re just getting started with Bannersnack, here are a few tips and tricks that can help you with improving your workflow and creating better designs, faster.

 There are various methods of juggling with different aspects and characteristics of the elements that you are using in one of your designs, and most of them break down into creativity and imagination, however knowledge of how the platform works is crucial for taking advantage of everything that Bannersnack has to offer.


Let’s begin with the basics, namely, creating your first Design.


Designs can be created from your personal workspace using the “Create New” button found in the top left corner of your display. Once you’ve clicked that, select “single Design”, your desired size and from this point on you will be accessing the design environment known as the Design Editor.



Starting a design can be done either from scratch or through the use of one of our available templates, which you can then modify to your liking in terms of text, layer positioning and structure.



Let’s assume that in this case you decide to start from a template. Selecting any element that is now part of your canvas will trigger a toolbar which will allow you to perform various modifications to that specific element in terms of size, positioning, and color, along with some added features that will allow you to place a click action on the element or set an animation (you can read more about animations and how they work in our related article, here).


Apart from all of the presented tools found in the toolbar, an additional option will appear if you select multiple elements at once, this being the “group layers” function.


Elements can be sized individually using the anchor points found on each asset while being selected, or you can even select multiple elements at once if you select them using click+drag.


If you are looking to swap elements and use your own media assets instead of the ones found in the actual template, you can simply replace them through drag and drop, with an image that you’ve uploaded into our platform.




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